Bread for the World Institute provides policy analysis on hunger and strategies to end it. The Institute
educates opinion leaders, policy makers, and the public about hunger in the United States and abroad.
The Hunger Report is the Institute’s largest annual analysis of the state of world hunger. The 2015 Hunger
Report explains why ending discrimination against women and girls is crucial to ending hunger.
To learn more about the Institute’s policy analysis work, visit or send us an email.
David Beckmann
President Emeritus
Arthur Simon
Managing Director
Alice Walker Duff
Asma Lateef
Senior Editor
Todd Post
Associate Editor
Michele Learner
Senior International Policy Analyst
Scott Bleggi
Senior Foreign Assistance Policy Analyst
Faustine Wabwire
Senior Immigration Policy Analyst
Andrew Wainer
Research Associate
Derek Schwabe
Project Coordinator
Cheryle Adams
Grants Manager
Judith Toni
Print Design
Doug Puller
Web Design and Development
Tim Moyer
Hans Friedhoff
Sonora Bostian